Your Etheric Body

Prerequisite: Reset 1 Complete

Discover how to better recognize and demonstrate the signature vibrational tone that you are known by, in All That Is. Step into greater wisdom to discern and hold higher truth as you work with Archangels Michael and Uriel. Your room in the sixth dimension offers simultaneous time choices to work and play with the creative aspects of the Molecule. You will focus on the abilities brought forth by the seven layers of the Lightbody and expand your imagination and the sixth dimension.

Course curriculum

online listening

    1. Reset - 2

    1. Track 1 - Lecture to Meditation (54:18)

    2. Track 2 - Q&As 1 (25:30)

    3. Track 3 -Meditation (24:59)

    4. Track 4 - Q&As (14:20)

    1. What do you want?

    2. Imagination (01:05:43)

    3. Jim and Roxane Conversation (15:45)

    1. Questions for you ...

    2. Conscious Creation in 4-5D (57:10)

    3. Jim and Roxane Conversation (14:37)

    1. What you get this week ...

    2. Present-Quiet-Aware Lecture (15:04)

    3. Present-Quiet-Aware Meditation (36:14)

    4. Merging with the Higher Self (56:30)

    5. Group Conversation 1 (57:12)

    6. Conversation between Roxane and Jim (22:14)

    1. This week's extras ...

    2. Group Conversation 2 (01:06:38)

    3. Archangels Michael and Uriel (01:04:06)

    4. Conversation between Roxane and Jim (17:02)